People Working on Insertion and Folding of Membrane Proteins

(using predominantly biophysical methods)

Paula Booth
James Bowie

Donald Engelman

H. Gobind Khorana
Jeremy H. Lakey
Erwin London
Thomas Marti (link ?)
Rod Merill

Theresa Pinheiro

Lukas K. Tamm

Stephen H. White
William Wimley

(using predominantly biochemical and molecular biology methods)

Bernhard Dobberstein
Franz Ulrich Hartl (link ?)
Ralf Koebnik
Dieter Langosch
Walter Neupert (link ?)

People Working on Outer Membrane Proteins of E. coli

Roland Benz (link ?)
Volkmar Braun
Ehrhard Bremer

Kay Diederichs

Klaus Hantke
Rajev Misra
Hiroshi Nikaido
Georg E. Schulz
Wolfram Welte

People Working on the Folding of soluble Proteins

David A. Agard
Antônio F. Pereira de Araújo
David Baker
Robert L. Baldwin
Geoffrey J. Barton
Alan Berry
Bruce E. Bowler
Bernard R. Brooks
Charles L. Brooks, III
Jannette Carey
Anthony Clarke
Fred E. Cohen
David Covell
Trevor Creamer
Alan Davidson
William F. DeGrado
John R. Desjarlais
Ken Dill
Christopher M. Dobson
Andrew Doig
David Eisenberg
S. Walter Englander
P.A. Evans
Alan R. Fersht
Anthony L. Fink
Ernesto Freire
Carl Frieden
Lila M. Gierasch
Richard A. Goldstein
Lydia Gregoret
Martin Gruebele
William E. Hart
Sorin Istrail
Rainer Jaenicke
Robert Jernigan
Martin Karplus
Thomas Kiefhaber
Peter S. Kim
Jack F. Kirsch
Lars Konermann
Natalio Krasnogor & David Pelta
Eaton Lattman
Susan Marqusee
Nancy Martin
Barry T. Nall
Arnold Neumaier
New Orleans Protein Folding Intergroup
Bengt Nolting
Terrence G. Oas
Yuko Okamoto
José Onuchic
John J. Osterhout
C. Nick Pace
Vijay S. Pande
Carsten Peterson
Gary J. Pielak
Andreas Plückthun
Jay W. Ponder
Peter Privalov
Sheena E. Radford
Lynne Regan
Fred Richards
Manuel Rico
Heinrich Roder
Daniel S. Rokhsar
Ira J. Ropson
Denis L. Rousseau
George Rose
Chris Sander
J. Martin Scholtz
Franz X. Schmid
Luis Serrano
Eugene Shakhnovich
Harold A. Scheraga
Jeffrey Skolnick
Chao Tang
Dev Thirumalai
David L. Weaver
Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede
Peter Wolynes
Peter E. Wright

This list is currently very incomplete (I am just starting it).

Please, if your web-page is not listed here and you are working in this field, let me know by either sending me e-mail or by signing my guestbook and including your URL.

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(c) 1998,1999, Jörg Kleinschmidt, all rights reserved.